The Noid Goes for a Job Interview
Interviewer: Good Afternoon, Mr. Vinton, hey wait a minute, you're that Noid guy.
Noid: Yes, I did have less than admirable jobs during the 80's to pay the bills, but I have done a lot since then.
Interviewer: Yeah I remember you, What happened to those commercials?
Noid: They were cancelled. As you can see since then, I received my MBA from Kellogg and I...
Interviewer: Wait, aren't I supposed to "avoid you?"
Noid: Well sir, I believe that was the slogan attached to my character, but I can assure you that I would be an assett to this company, if you look at my resume...
Interviewer: Did you know Tony the Tiger? I bet he's Grrreat, heh, you know like the commerial "Grrrreat."
Noid: No sir, he was on a different campaign. Sir, I'm uncomfortable with this questioning, if you would just look at my...
Interviewer: Yeah my kids played your video game, wow wait til I tell them I met the real Noid, they'll plotz.
Noid: Sir, if you'll just, Ah f*ck this, every single time... (Leaves room)
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