Friday, July 13, 2007

Lost Diaries: Jesus Age 12

Dear Diary,

Who the hell does Joseph think he is? He comes in here telling me to clean my room, and acting all fatherly. "You're not my dad" I yelled and then slammed the door in his face. How can my mom date him, I mean come on. I wish I knew my real dad, I bet he's like a fire fighter, or like an astronaut, or some other bitchin' profession. Maybe I'll run away, I should grow my hair long and join a rock band. Or maybe just wander in the desert, I wouldn't have to clean my room if I lived in the desert. How would you like that Joey? I should start calling him that, I wonder if that's even a name yet. Oh well, I'm just going to listen to Foghat as loud as I can. He can't tell me what to do. He's not the boss of me. Slow ride, alright.


Conversation Held by Countless Guys Last Wednesday

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Questions Girls Never Ask (But Should)

  1. Why don't they have King Cobra in anything bigger than a 40?
  2. Do you think I could deep fry that?
  3. Can I call in work today so that I can beat this level?
  4. What's the biggest TV I can fit in here?
  5. Is there anyone Batman couldn't beat up?
  6. Why am I so f*cking crazy?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Things I Wish Google Would Help me With

1. Where did I put my Keys?

2. What song is this: Na na doo doo na na na shicka bam?

3. What was that kid's name I sat next to in Calc?

4. Did Mops really go to a special farm for dogs?

5. Why isn't Grandma moving?

6. Will that bar skank give me crabs? (a little late now google, a little too freaking late)

7. Where can I get one of those tiny combs, and some crab shampoo?

People Bruce Wayne Could Beat Up

Herbert Hoover

You might be asking yourself, "why would Bruce Wayne beat up the 31st president?" To you I pose this question: "shut up." It's a well accepted fact among political pundits that Herbert Hoover was not only a jerk, he was a bit of a nancy. It was common knowledge that he wore a garter under his suits believing it added to his raw sexual magnetism. Not only that, I think we can all agree that Mr. Hoover was single handedly responsible for the Great Depression, and the vacuum I had that bore his name breaking when I was a sophomore. All in all, it's not so much a question of whether or not Bruce Wayne could beat him up, it's more of a why not, and the answer is: no reason.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Poor Choices in Politics

Presidential hopeful/Dianetics enthusiast/weirdo Mitt Romney announced that among his favorite literary fare is a little known work called "Battlefield Earth." Essentially, Romney is tacitly announcing that he no longer has any desire to become president. Or perhaps, this is all part of a masterful plan in which he is going to name Xenu as his running mate. This could actually end up being a boon to the GOP as Xenu is a famously outspoken pro-life candidate. Unfortunately, it might come up that in Xenu's past, he was a dictator in the Galactic Confederacy. To a lesser extent, it is damaging that 75 million years ago, he brought billions of aliens to Earth grouped them around several volcanoes and exploded them with hydrogen bombs. Currently, these exploded souls are clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to wreak chaos and havoc today. This is why Tom cruise does not take medicine. So, suffice it to say Xenu has some skeletons in his closet, and Mitt Romney is an idiot who just pissed away his shot at the presidency. Perhaps he can join the movementarians and slip away into secret bliss, watching terrible John Travolta movies.

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Noid Goes for a Job Interview

Interviewer: Good Afternoon, Mr. Vinton, hey wait a minute, you're that Noid guy.
Noid: Yes, I did have less than admirable jobs during the 80's to pay the bills, but I have done a lot since then.
Interviewer: Yeah I remember you, What happened to those commercials?
Noid: They were cancelled. As you can see since then, I received my MBA from Kellogg and I...
Interviewer: Wait, aren't I supposed to "avoid you?"
Noid: Well sir, I believe that was the slogan attached to my character, but I can assure you that I would be an assett to this company, if you look at my resume...
Interviewer: Did you know Tony the Tiger? I bet he's Grrreat, heh, you know like the commerial "Grrrreat."
Noid: No sir, he was on a different campaign. Sir, I'm uncomfortable with this questioning, if you would just look at my...
Interviewer: Yeah my kids played your video game, wow wait til I tell them I met the real Noid, they'll plotz.
Noid: Sir, if you'll just, Ah f*ck this, every single time... (Leaves room)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ways Not to Get Laid

Yesterday, April 25th 2007, it was announced on the Playstation website that the prequel to the greatest game ever made, God of War, would be released on PSP. If you are a nerd/virgin/loser/have opposable thumbs, you should be interested. If you go to this website (Chains of Olympus) you can get a free demo while supplies last and eschew all responsibilities of relationships/hygiene/social graces.

Lost Diary of Abraham Lincoln

April 14, 1865

Dear Diary,

Things are going pretty well here, life as the president is about as drab as the way I dress. Mary Todd and I are going to see some bullshit play at Ford's Theater tonight. She's always dragging me to these things. I already asked too, and she said there would be no tits in it. I mean come on. I swear that bitch will be the death of me. I'm thinking of shaving my beard, what do you think diary? I mean, I don't want to be remembered as the tall president with a beard, oh well at least no one can ever suspect I'm gay, right? I saw a pretty big badger today. That was the highlight. How sad is that? I really wish something exciting would happen, you know switch things up a bit. I wish there was a game on tonight. Oh well, that will be invented soon huh? Well I gotta go, Mary Todd will not shut up (probably pissed off because she has a man's name for a middle name, between you and me diary, I think she may be you know....) Well, I'm sure I'll write you tomorrow, I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't. Laterz.

Abey Baby

Hiram Goldstein gets a Bad Fake ID

Gross, they made him an organ donor.

Proud Moments in Recent News

German Man Loves Horse, Bank

Phineas Gage, Eat your Heart Out

Lonely Japanese Man on the Road to Robot Sex

Kentucky has Iron Clad Prison

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Deciphering Cartoons in the New Yorker

What it means: People at the New Yorker are assholes.

Pilfered Comics

Red Meat (Click for Larger Image):

People Bruce Wayne Could Beat Up

This week, the answer is a class of 3rd graders, for the following reasons:

  1. They are small, look at the group of kids above, Bruce Wayne could rip them in half like pieces of paper. Paper that would be better used to write home notes to parents about how their kids were beaten up.

  2. Eventhough they outnumber Bruce Wayne, it seems that whenever people fight Batman, they wait their turn; I can only assume this would be true for Bruce Wayne as well.

  3. Fact: 3rd graders are a bunch of Nancies.

  4. Mrs. Mappleton spends more time teaching them lies about Columbus and arithmetic than she does fighting and marksmanship.

  5. Little Eric is a fat turd.

A Fat Guy's Musings on Humor

A quote from the famous poet Calvin Broadus has helped me through
some tough times, "with so much drama in the LBC its kind of hard being
snoop D O double G." This quote speaks volumes to the current American
plight. There is a lot to be upset about nowadays in the U.S., I can
safely say this from a smoky internet cafe in Seville Spain. The Darfur
region of Sudan, the number of casualties in Iraq, the AIDS pandemic,
millions of children living in extreme poverty, and stone-washed jeans with a matching jacket.
With all of this going on in the world it is hard to be Snoop D O
double G, or anyone for that matter. So what is the remedy, humor. It
seems that people have lost their sense of humor, or at least the ability
to recognize a sense of humor in others. Comedy has the ability to
change this toilet earth into an insipid puppy running through a field of
poppies, or something equally happy and more masculine.
It is en vogue now to prattle on about the plight that others are
facing and worrying about your own faults, the grade on a final, whether
or not anyone noticed when you passed gas in your Philosophy class, and
if you have gotten fat by eating two desserts everyday. So turn those
all into jokes, and understand that having a sense of humor is in no way
indicative of callousness or shallowness.
Take it from a fat kid in remedial gym, having a sense of humor about
yourself and about others is really the only way to go through life. So
instead of crying in your room and cutting yourself thinking that you
did a dance routine to a Bush CD in sixth grade, turn that around into a
joke. Who doesn't like to picture fat kids flopping around like fish in
matching gym clothes to seemingly archaic nineties chart toppers? I
don't want to meet that person.
There are those that say that a line needs to be drawn somewhere and
that some jokes regarding FDR's handicaps or other taboo subjects are
gauche, and completely inappropriate in social gatherings. I say the
opposite. Take your jokes as far as they can go. Where would this country be without the pioneers like Eli Whitney that pushed the envelope and created the cotton gin, or that fat guy who thought Twinkies weren't unhealthy enough, until he deep fried them. God bless those libertines who pushed the envelope. And you should follow their spirits when it comes to your humor, and the sense of humor of others.
Sure there are those that cluck their beards and say "What is to be
done with this Mark Gordon, and his irreverent humor, that borders on
absurdity? Is there no substance left in the world?" But I say, what good
is substance if there is nothing to laugh about? The short answer is
"nothing." I'm not advocating humor at the expense of others, merely at
the expense of yourself, and the expense of a far too serious world.
Fabricated statistics suggest that in the last 10 years the amount of
laughter has declined 70% and that is something with which I cannot
sleep at night, on my pile of money with many beautiful women.
So push the envelope, make jokes about how you used to wear Jncos in
high school and how you thought a suicide bomber was a drink with Red
Bull. Who knows, you might crack a smile and actually enjoy life for
once. You might also find that the hand that feeds you tastes sweet, and
you should go in for a little nibble. Humor is the life blood of
America, and even if you don't like a person's brand of humor, at least
acknowledge it. Its like they say "they can't all be home runs." So go out
their and laugh, because if you don't some dirty communist might. And
that's just not American.

Tough News Delivered by Oregon Trail

Things I learned from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

  1. Little people can still do great things.

  2. If you punch fat people in the stomach, they fall down and can't get back up.

  3. Every stereotype about minorities is true.

  4. Mike Tyson is a hard to beat.

  5. Everytime something is about to happen, it is signaled by a noise or a flashing jewel in a turban.

  6. People named "Glass" are pussies and people named Popinski, are not.

  7. There are no weight classes in boxing.

  8. Little Mac is from the Bronx, which explains his moxy.

  9. Behind every white teenager there's an encouraging black man.
  10. Punch-Out is Awesome.

Conversation of an Old Lady and her cat

Old lady: Can you believe this weather bootsy?
Cat: ....
Old Lady: You're right, it never rains this much in August, will you be okay if I leave you home alone?
Cat: .... (cat looks out window at passing shadow)
Old Lady: You make a good point, but...Oh bootsy, don't be like that, please?
Cat: ....
Old Lady: Ok I'll stay, I love you bootsy.
Cat: ....

Guy who fails Painting 101 because he only uses MS Paint

Comments: F. See me John, this is completely inappropriate.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Proud Moments in Recent News

Click these links:

Freedom of Expression Abridged

Father Bursting with Pride, and Stab Wounds

Local Man Discovers Bitter side of Sugar Business

Boy Finds College Fund in Coat

Oh, It's a Donkey

Things 2Pac and Biggie Never got the Chance to Rap About

  1. The post 9/11 World
  2. Norbit
  3. Y2K
  4. Whether or not their chains hang low
  5. Their respective humps
  6. Me
  7. Being glad they survived gun shot wounds
  8. Alberto Gonzales
  9. Partial Birth Abortion Ban
  10. First Black President
  11. Rocket cars
  12. Being White

People Bruce Wayne Could Beat Up

This week, the answer is Mahatma Ghandi, for the following reasons:

1) Ghandi is dead.

An Open Letter to the Guy who Created NBA Jam

To whom it may concern:

Thanks for creating NBA Jam. That game was pretty good. I haven't played it since middle school, but I remember liking all the codes and the big heads, and fire and stuff. What have you been up to? Are you still alive? I bet you're asian, people who make good video games are usually asian. Anyway, that game was pretty good, thanks.

Mark Gordon

How to Get Chicks

I have what they call an "unathletic" or "Jewish" physique. Miraculously though, I have a hot girlfriend. And as I have never once said in my life heretofore: "pay it forward" so I will give you all of the advice necessary to pull down some sweet tail.

1) Girls love dogs, that is a scientific fact. Similarly, girls are infatuated with terrible movies, one example is Dr. Dolittle. Here's how to work this knowledge to your advantage:
-Buy a dog
-Put Dog in the passenger seat of your car
-Put peanut butter in dog's mouth to make it look like you're having a conversation
-Talk loudly about issues important to women: Suffrage, purses, dandelions, tampons, and Susan B Anthony
-Sit back and watch the chicks come in

2) Chicks love being called chicks, if you can demean them, it will let them know that you're in command. They may call you a pig, or an asshole, but that's just girl talk for "sexy" and "ribald.' So, continue your efforts even in the face of adversity.

3) Stuff your pants with a gym sock, ferret, and/or Jimmy John's sub. Recent studies have proven that women are just as shallow (if not more) than men. So the larger your package appears, the better your chance of rubbin' her muffin.

4) Read as many online postings about how to get chicks as possible.

It's as simple as that.